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For far too long, the conversation regarding interpersonal violence has been centered on what the “victim” should do or should have done to prevent the assault. Here at Colorado State University feeling safe is fundamental to the life and integrity of our campus.

CSU’s work to prevent sexual assaults is guided by a few core truths:

  • We know that virtually all sexual assaults in our campus community — up to 97 percent — are committed by people the survivor knows and trusts.
  • People of any gender identity can be perpetrators or survivors.
  • The only person responsible for sexual assault is the person who commits it.
  • We can all have a role in prevention.

We also know that learning how to engage in this conversation can be difficult. The REFRAME campaign is intended to help all of us reframe the conversation in a way that teaches consent, skills for intervening and how to respond to problematic language and behaviors.